22 July 22: I’m at the mall attached to the Louvre, sipping a cappuccino, processing everything I got to see today. So many thoughts about the 6.5 hours Dave and I spent there (the boys left after about 4 hours). Here are a few:
More »22 July 22: I’m at the mall attached to the Louvre, sipping a cappuccino, processing everything I got to see today. So many thoughts about the 6.5 hours Dave and I spent there (the boys left after about 4 hours). Here are a few:
More »21 July 22: Photos from the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and Dave’s and my date night at the Moulin Rouge! ~20,000 steps for me!
Speaking of tomorrow: we will be at the Louvre right when they open! Dave and I cannot WAIT to see all that art…it’s been a while (the Frieda Kahlo exhibit in Denver?)
More »21 July 22: Today was a “Foodie Walking Tour of Paris“. Leo (short for Eleanor) took us through the Les Halles and Montorgueil sections of Paris, including the patisserie that invented the Baba ah Rhum and showing us one of the original restaurants that specialized in escargot.
More »20 July 22: We had a classic French dinner this evening at a corner bistro. The food was amazing (I had duck confit and a salad) and we shared a great bottle of wine. The waitstaff were sweethearts. The boys are loving getting to order beer and wine with dinner.
Tonight we relax and rest up for some sightseeing tomorrow.
More »20 July 22: After a 3 hour drive back to the airport to turn in the car…then a 40 min train ride…then a 15 min subway ride…then a discombobulated walk starting in the wrong direction thanks to Apple Maps not knowing the address of where we were going (Google Maps knew)…we have arrived at our top floor apartment in the 6th Arrondissement in Paris! We have a view of the Eiffel Tower and are walking distance from the Louvre. It’s a small place but WAY better than a hotel room.
More »20 July 22: Daily selfie! We hit this cafe every day we were here! Today we had a full breakfast there before we head back to Paris.
More »19 July 22: More photos from our day at the Caen Memorial Museum and Longue-sur-Mer. The heat prevented doing anything more.
Fortunately a line of thundershowers came thru the area and cooled things down on the coastline a bit for the visit to the German gun emplacement at Longue-sur-Mer. And things will be much cooler tomorrow.
More »19 July 22: We started our day at the Caen Memorial Museum. We are (a) grateful for the air conditioning, (b) in awe of the gorgeous exhibits, and (c) fascinated by the telling of the stories with a French point of view.
We will see if we do anything else after this. It’s dangerously hot for any of the outdoor activities we were planning today.
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