Here we go again! This big orange truck (as Jacob called it) was from July 2008.
That’s just move #8 since Dave joined the Air Force.
This had been a long time coming; we’ve been waiting almost 6 months to tell our other-than-family-and-closest-friends our big news!
This past summer Dave was invited to apply for a professor position at the US Air Force Academy. He got the job, but had to keep quiet until all the assignment-world ducks were in a row. He’s going to teach physics and meteorology! Today he found out his report date, and we can start the ball rolling on our next move…
…in a mere five months!
That seems pretty quick, doesn’t it? For some reason, this is such old hat to Dave and me, that I am calm…for now.
I wrote a post 5 months before our North Carolina-to-Nebraska PCS discussing the types of things that went through my mind at the T-150 day point.
That’s about where I am now: plan to work through my pantry, mentally inventory things that we want to sell before our move (i.e. a riding lawn mower, outdoor furniture), and start researching the boys’ school options.
I’ve written quite a bit about the other two PCSs we’ve had since I started this blog, in 2008 and 2010. I put some of those posts on a Pinterest board, if you’d like to learn more.
You can also view any moving-related posts here, but that could get lengthy.
We’re thrilled about Colorado Springs, the hiking, the shopping, the skiing, the camping, the opportunities to explore the American west! We have friends stationed out there, too, who we can’t wait to see after so many years.
Stay tuned for the inevitable rants and raves about our PCS preparations. For now, we are basking in the excitement still.
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