I get an e-mail that looks like this every night.
Is it Spam? (How many Nigerian millionaires ARE there who want to share their inheritances with me????”)
No no no…not spam at all. These are cool! This is my friend Maryann’s daily photo album and daily message. In fact, if you linked all these together…you’d have a BLOG!
Which is what she recently did — she and I set up our blogs on the same day, in fact!
This woman takes a LOT of pictures. I know many of you get my albums routinely and say “How the heck does Patricia get the time to take/upload/caption/transmit all those pictures????”
That’s only because you don’t know Maryann.
Some of you wonder “Where does Patricia have the energy to do all this stuff?”
That’s only because you don’t know Maryann.
Susan, if you’re reading this, you’re a close SECOND to Maryann!
Maryann has two sons like I do — our older boys are about a month apart in age, our younger ones are exactly 6 months apart. And they’re buddies!
Maryann: I raise my Frappuchino to you! I need the caffeine to keep up with you!

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