14. February 2011 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

Happy Valentine’s Day friends!

We enjoyed a special Valentine’s Day-themed Build and Grow project at Lowe’s last Saturday!

My boys awakened this morning and were greeted with these little gifts for Valentine’s Day:

They had asked for them for Christmas, but I’m glad we waited till now, I think that Valentine Puppy sure is cute!

I’d backed off significant gifts for Valentine’s Day over the past couple years, but I’d kept these Pillow Pets in the back of my mind this year.  They’re about $20 each.

I found the Valentine’s ones at Walgreen’s.  You wouldn’t think of it, but you can whip together a pretty nice Valentine’s Day experience at your local drugstore.

I also found some M&Ms Star Wars gifts…$5 per kid.  The lightsaber on the left in the bottom pic has LED lights, you press a button and it stays on for about a minute.  More M&Ms stuffed into the handle of that toy.

09. December 2010 · Comments Off on Getting Settled In…. · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , ,

Howdy!  It’s been a few days.  I’m sure you’ve ALL been at the edge of your seat, spending all your time wondering, “How has Major Mom been with the move?”

I’m sure you’ve been up all night worrying about me, right?

Of course you have 😉

So we had our stuff delivered on Wednesday, December 1st, and Dave and I spent a marathon FOUR DAYS doing nothing but unpacking.  Dave had taken a couple extra days off after our stuff was delivered to help with unpacking.  Somewhere in there on Thursday I made it to Hurlburt to do my first commissary run, and on Friday I attended a base spouses’ orientation that I probably didn’t really need.  It was more like “Military Spouse 101″…don’t get me wrong, it was a great class, but I was probably not the right audience.  I found out Hurlburt Field does this other spouses’ orientation that includes a bus tour of the base and that’s more what I’m looking for.  I’ll sign up for that course in January.

Anyway, by Sunday the 5th, we had unpacked just about every box and each room in our house was presentable.  I could take over with the “refining” while Dave reported back to work.

My current challenge: getting our daily routines in place during all this holiday hub-bub!

On Saturday we made it over to the beach for a quick photo shoot so I could get some Christmas cards made up.  On Sunday night the boys and I made our first batch of Christmas cookies.  I’ll be making dough for some sugar cookies tomorrow.  Tonight the boys and I got the bulk of the Christmas cards addressed, stuffed, stamped and put in the outgoing mail for tomorrow.

It’s great having the boys help with the holiday activities this year:

Helping with a family favorite cookie recipe: Holiday Cookie Surprises

Jacob stuffed Christmas card envelopes for me, while Timmy helped with putting on the stamps.  You can turn your laptop upside-down and squint for a sneak-peek of our Christmas cards 😉

As for school, the boys seem to be doing pretty well.  Jacob has a LOT more homework here than he did in Bellevue, but like the school supply issue, I think the amount he’s getting here is more par for the course.  Jacob has commented more than once that the schoolwork here is more difficult than it was in Nebraska, but I think it’s more of a laziness thing for Jacob.  He just actually has to do more work.  I’ve had to exchange a couple e-mails with his teacher to seek clarification on some of the classroom procedures.  She always replies quickly and has great communication with the parents.  I won’t argue there!

Timmy is absolutely loving his new Kindergarten class.  He misses his Nebraska friends, and talks about his friends Roger, Micah and Jackson quite a bit.  We had to exchange a couple e-mails with Timmy’s former teacher about some school supplies he left behind, and it was nice to catch up with Mrs. Brockhaus!

The boys are taking the bus to and from school.  I was pleasantly surprised at all the security that seems to go into riding the bus around here.  I can only coordinate directly with the county school district transportation office to arrange the pick up/drop off at our new house, and the elementary school kids don’t have bus stops.  We are instructed to wait at the end of our driveway for pick up, and the boys are dropped off at the end of the driveway in the afternoons.  I’ve met the bus driver “Miss Irene”, and the kids just play in the front yard until the bus comes.  Our street is arrow-straight and we can see the bus turn onto our street from 1/2 a mile, and 2 stops away.  Taking the bus really opens up the length of the school day for the boys, but the boys haven’t complained.

We’re enjoying our new house quite a bit.  I’ll have to give up a lot of my gardening, since the homeowner has invested heavily in the front-yard landscaping and I won’t want to mess with a good thing.  The backyard is ab-so-lute-ly BLANK.  Grass.  That’s it.  The backyards around us have more trees and bushes, and therefore the wildlife seems to hang out there.  We have seen numerous birds in the neighboring yards…on our 2nd day here I had the honor of seeing EIGHT bluebirds sitting on the fenceline.  I didn’t have my camera with me, so I couldn’t get a picture, although it would have been a nice one.

This morning while waiting for the bus, Jacob saw a Northern Flicker in the one non-palm tree in our front yard.  He was making funny noises, and Jacob was attempting to communicate with it.  I’m glad all the birding in NC and NE has paid off 🙂

And finally, I’ll share my newest hobby: a small fountain/pond in my yard.  Among the fancy front-yard landscaping is a pond/fountain, a plain fountain and a birdbath!  I’m looking forward to seeing more birds in the front yard when the weather gets warmer.

The pond was certainly a nice bonus to our house — and we were pleasantly surprised to see 4 good-sized goldfish swimming around in the pond.  The weather’s been so cold the fish are more or less dormant so it isn’t very interesting.  They’re also pretty shy, hiding under the fountain column a lot of the time.  The algae in the pond has been a problem.  So these past few days I’ve been spending 30-45 minutes per day working on cleaning out the pond.  As of now, I’ve done a 2/3 water change, scrubbed the algae off the concrete, and I’m making sure to run the fountain during the day so the water is well aerated.  The water I add to the pond is from a well, which means I don’t have to worry about chemical treatments or anything like that.  Every time I’d agitate the water the algae would stir up and become almost opaque green — seeing the fish at all has been difficult.  Once the temperatures warm up more in a couple months, we’ll start feeding them and hopefully we’ll see them come out more often.

The fountain.  The pump sends the water up to the very top of the column and then it trickles down the “trays” that are spiraling around the column.  It’s very pretty, but I’ve been challenged with setting the water pressure such that the water doesn’t blast out of the trays sloppily.

Here’s one of the fish on a rare occasion that the algae in the water was settled to the bottom.  The boys haven’t named the fish yet (I see that coming real soon), but this one likes to hang out near the warmer pump unit when the water’s cold.  We have two gold ones, and two calicos.  Each are 6-8″ long.

25. November 2010 · Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

This fellow “Major Mom” is currently spending Thanksgiving at Camp Eggars, Afghanistan. She got to see her family via webcam thanks to the Today Show.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

30. October 2010 · Comments Off on Heartbroken…. · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

Jacob and Timmy wore their Halloween costumes to school today. It turns out Jacob and another classmate both happened to have “Luigi” costumes. In fact, I got a picture of the two of them!

From 2010 10 29 Timmy Jacob Halloween Parade 2010

The boys had a good time with their Halloween parade at school, and their respective Halloween parties. But after school Jacob asked if he could wear another costume to go trick or treating…his classmates told him he didn’t really look like Luigi as well as the other young man in the picture.

Jacob also claimed that he never really wanted to be Luigi, but that simply wasn’t true. The boys were super excited all month at how easy it would be for Jacob to be Luigi because he was tall and skinny, and Timmy would be Mario because Mario is shorter and less-skinny. It was also evident the first two times he wore the costume, he was having a great time.

At first I was ready to just run to the store and buy Jacob a polyester unitard of his choice…I guess Jacob’s getting to the age where individuality is going to be trumped by popularity. He’s getting older, and I think I’ve been lucky that he’s rarely expressed strong opinions in what he wore up till recently. I think he’d have felt better in the store bought version of the costume.

In general, I’m still heartbroken. I may just have to absolutely turn Jacob loose with the choice/shopping/assembly of his costumes from now on…with zero input from me.

Sniff…sniff…my babies are growing up…

25. October 2010 · Comments Off on Gettin’ in the Halloween Spirit · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

This weekend we finally took some time to get into the Halloween spirit. Friday we went to the Bellevue Pumpkin Patch to choose the family pumpkins, then the boys had a chance to wear their Halloween costumes both Saturday and Sunday.

First of all, if you like this picture below, then click the link here to vote for them in a Fox Sports contest to have this picture shown during Game 3 of the World Series. No silly login/password/consent for spam required. The voting button is towards the right of the page.

From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010

The Bellevue Berry Farm and Pumpkin Patch is right up the road from us. We usually pay a visit to the much-larger Vala’s Pumpkin Patch at some point, but always get so caught up in the attractions, we never make it out to get our pumpkins. Bellevue is so much more relaxing and laid back, we have an equally good time. Living only 10 minutes from there definitely helps too.

We met Timmy’s friend Roger’s family out there and had a fun morning.

From 2010 10 22 Bellevue Pumpkin Patch
From 2010 10 22 Bellevue Pumpkin Patch
From 2010 10 22 Bellevue Pumpkin Patch
From 2010 10 22 Bellevue Pumpkin Patch
From 2010 10 22 Bellevue Pumpkin Patch
From 2010 10 22 Bellevue Pumpkin Patch

Saturday was the AFWA Halloween party.  For those new to my blog, AFWA stands for Air Force Weather Agency, and it’s the name of the military organization Dave works for.  Their Halloween party consists of games and crafts for the kids, hot dogs and cupcakes, and then it’s wrapped up by a “Trunk or Treat”.

Last year we simply took the boys and they had a good time, but this time we did a bit more. I put on my recently-renovated witch costume and decorated our trunk up pretty fun. I got a bit overzealous thinking our car battery could power our fog machine, oops 🙂

From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010
From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010
From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010
From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010
From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010
From 2010 10 31 Halloween 2010

Today we made our way to the Omaha Zoo’s “Spooktacular” event. Apparently this is a pretty big deal around here. Perhaps it’s worth its own “Nebraska Discoveries” blog post because it was a cultural attraction all in itself! Yes, I think that’s what I’ll do.

20. October 2010 · Comments Off on Project Halloween Costume 2010: Complete! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

I’ll have pictures of the costumes later this week, the kids have the 1st of 4 Halloween events this Saturday!

The 2nd set of overalls were much more difficult mostly due to a finicky bobbin and a sewing machine that desperately needs a tune up.  I switched to a red-threaded bobbin out of frustration and suddenly everything went much better.  Sure, hints of red underside thread everywhere, but they’re Mario’s overalls, I’m sure it’ll be okay.

Tonight the boys and I stopped at Nobbie’s, the local Halloween shop, and picked up 8 stick-on black mustaches.  This should be interesting, especially with Timmy’s not-so-dark head of hair, ha ha!

As for me, I’ll break out my witch costume from last year, but I’ll be making some edits to it.

16. October 2010 · Comments Off on What’s That? A Hat!!!* · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

*Wondering where the title comes from?

So here’s my hat trick for the boys’ Halloween costumes.  We were fortunate to have a green ball cap in the house (from when Dave was on the crew of the New Hope Valley RR in North Carolina) and we have several red NC State ballcaps, so it was 50 cents at Michael’s to pick up some felt and make new fronts.

No, they aren’t perfect.  And no, they aren’t the same floppy plumbers hats that the animated characters have.  But for 50 cents for both hats…and the ability to bring the hats back to its original form by pulling the thread holding it in place…this will work well.  Besides, these are adult ball caps, they’re pretty roomy on my boys’ heads.


From 2010 10 16 Halloween Mario & Luigi Costumes


From 2010 10 16 Halloween Mario & Luigi Costumes

And here’s Luigi:

From 2010 10 16 Halloween Mario & Luigi Costumes

I hope to have the 2nd pair of overalls finished by the end of this weekend.  Then the only thing left will be the mustaches, which I haven’t figured out quite yet.  The boys have two Halloween events next weekend.

11. October 2010 · Comments Off on So Far…So Good · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I still need to fit the side buttons and hem the legs, but here’s the first set of overalls.

06. October 2010 · Comments Off on Look What Was in Today’s Mail! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

Let the sewing begin!!!

04. October 2010 · Comments Off on Halloween 2010: Anything But That Polyester Unitard! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

Halloween is coming! Whoo hoo! I’ve been a bit lazy about the decorations, in part because of the move coming up, in part because I have a couple weeks of work right now and my hours are pretty crazy. Next week I’ll probably put up our ghost decorations…I sold most of our pumpkin stuff at our yard sale. I feel that ghosts need to be my signature Halloween decoration — it keeps me from buying everything I see, that’s for sure!

As usual, in September I ask the boys what they’re interested, and I knew what they were going to suggest: Mario and Luigi! You know, from the Nintendo video games?

And as usual, I rarely end up putting my kids in those commerically available Halloween costumes.  It doesn’t mean I never get them a store-purchased costume, sometimes they want to do something that I couldn’t possibly make on my own.  Last year I bought Jacob the Jengo Fett costume, complete with the battery-operated gun. A few years back I got the Jack Sparrow outfit with which we got lots of use!

However, you can call me elitist, but really it’s that I think part of the fun of Halloween is letting those creative juices flow and scrounging together what you have for a costume.  I enjoy it very much!  I’m very fortunate that my Mom made most of my costumes and did a great job on them!

From 1989.  My Mom made the shirt and skirt.  I wore this in college too!

I have nightmares of those costumes from the 70s and early 80s that were made of plastic and had a picture of what you were representing plastered across your chest.  I think this blog post says it all (I highly encourage clicking on this link, if nothing else…it’s VERY funny!).  Today, you won’t find costumes like that, I think the natives cried foul on wearing Hulk Hogan’s face across your chest.

Halloween 1981 or 1982.  So I was around Jacob’s age here, wow!  I’d rather be a homemade tiger-rabbit hybrid than wear Darth Vader’s face on the front of a plastic costume!

So let’s talk about what’s commercially available for Mario and Luigi, shall we?

Here’s a link to the special Mario and Luigi page at Costume Express, which is a pretty good costume retailer. I usually get coupons in the mail and sometimes the deals get quite good. I don’t mean any disrespect to Costume Express, for sure! They’ve served us well in the past.

But who came up with this?

I’m not a big fan of the polyester unitard at all. Not that they can’t pull off an effective look, but perhaps it’s the principle of the shoddy sewing for the price. Each of those costumes (including the inflatable belly) is retailing for ~$40 + tax. I immediately told myself “I think I can do better than this, for around the same cost!”  After all, Danielle C. of Akron, OH did it last year.

So I mentally inventoried what we’d need:

1. Overalls
2. Red and Green long-sleeved t-shirts
3. Red and Green hats
4. Big bushy moustaches
5. A way to make my boys look fat

Getting #2-4 will be easy. I have the shirts and hats already, and with some felt, I can put the “M” and “L” on the hats. We’re up the street from a huge Halloween costume store, getting bushy moustaches will be no problem either.  If anything, we have plenty of dark brown eyeliner (see the Jack Sparrow picture above).

As for #5, I think some blankets or small pillows will take care of the fat bellies, if we even need to do it.  Maybe not…

So what about the overalls?  Overalls for older boys are rather difficult to come by.  I looked at several kids clothing stores and 5 thrift shops. All. Over. Omaha.

I bid 3 different times on Size 8 overalls on eBay. Was outbid pretty quickly — I didn’t plan to spend more than $15 on a pair of second-hand overalls, but other people were, fine.  On one of the pair I was “sniped” at the last second and lost the bid.

How about new overalls? The most popular model appearing on Google’s shopping application was this fine pair by Carhartt: $48.

How on earth did Danielle C. of Akron, OH just run out to the thrift store and pick up overalls for her kids????

And then a lightbulb went off in my head: HEY! I could SEW their overalls! After all, I can easily get some lightweight denim at $6-8 per yard, get a pattern and some buckles, and be on my way, right?

Not so easy either — I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics, Hancock Fabrics, Hobby Lobby and even Walmart looking for patterns. A web search yielded ONE pattern: Kwik Sew #2427.

No fabric retailers in the area carried this pattern and I found ONE online retailer and I quickly placed an order. I talked to the owner of the retailer and was assured I’d have the pattern by mid-week.  It’s already on its way 🙂

Today at Hobby Lobby I picked up the other materials I needed (with a coupon, of course!). I’m pretty sure I’ve made all the financial investment I need to for this, and my grand total (including the pattern + shipping) stands at about $62.  Much better than the $80 I’d have to pay for polyester unitards.  But less than the $30 Danielle C. of Akron, Ohio claimed to have spent.

I’ll start on this project next week, I’m working for the next 4 days and probably won’t have the pattern ready until Thursday…and the family is taking a camping trip this coming weekend!

I haven’t sewed anything in a while…the last article of clothing I sewed was Jacob’s Mace Windu cape in 2008.  Most of my sewing machine’s workouts have been with sewing patches on Dave and Jacob’s scout uniforms and hemming up/letting down pant legs.