23. July 2008 · Comments Off on Auf Wiedersehen · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

I’m packing up the contents of our hotel room in Cary, and the computer will be towards the end of the things to pack up, after all, it sits at the top of the pile of crap in our van, so we have to get the books, toys, house closing paperwork, uniforms, oh, and did I mention toys?

We’re leaving at noon, after picking the boys up from Vacation Bible School.

You’ll next hear from us from West Virginia, and this evening I’m hoping to upload the many photographs we took of 5-nights-in-a-row of goodbye dinners with friends.

As my sister recently taught me: (((HUG)))

We’ll miss you!

13. July 2008 · 6 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,
07. July 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I have been sitting on this for long enough. My poor brain kept prioritizing things all wrong, so now it’s getting sorted out. I need to pass on the Excellent Blog Award before I pack up this laptop tomorrow, since the ExcellentBlog.jpg file is on this hard drive. Tee hee.

I had actually decided on this Memorial Day weekend, when this individual posted 7 times on Memorial Day alone!

Fotomom, you’re getting the Excellent Blog award! Your fun mix of watching your boys grow up with your beautiful photos of flowers, animals, and the ever-shrinking central North Carolina countryside is most awesome. Keep up the great work, I’ll definitely need you to when I’m in NE and it’s the only way I’m going to see Joey and Johnny (sniff sniff).
06. July 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

But after a weekend like this one, it’ll be hard to plunge back into move-preparations! The packers are coming in 24 hours! We had a wonderful time with friends who we’ll miss when we move.

From 2008 07 04 Li…

Linville Falls with the Warlicks: Chuck, Wendy and Daniel.

From 2008 07 04 Li…

My new favorite picture of my boys.

From 2008 07 04 Li…

Linville “upper” Falls.

From 2008 07 04 Li…
From 2008 07 05 Ho…
From 2008 07 05 Di…

Discovery Place.

From 2008 07 05 Di…

In celebration of July 4th, the “Einstein’s Corner” did a science lecture for the kids about the “fire triangle” (fuel, oxygen, heat) and how to make explosions. Here’s the fireball from igniting a balloon filled with hydrogen. 🙂

From 2008 07 05 Di…

The Kapla blocks. I could not peel Dave away from this…Jake’s participating in a building contest here, whoever made the tallest structure in 10 minutes won a prize. Jake didn’t win.

From 2008 07 05 Di…

After the contest, Timmy continued his structure all by himself — the one on the left. The one on the right is mine.

From 2008 07 05 Di…
From 2008 07 05 Di…
04. July 2008 · Comments Off on Road Trip!!! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

Greetings from the I-40/I-85 interchange (Hi, Mandakini!)!

17. June 2008 · 4 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

“So, what on earth have you been doing? I haven’t seen a substantial posting in a while!”

Well, now that Timmy is napping and Jacob is in NEW YORK with his grandparents, I have a chance to catch up a little!

On Thursday of last week, Dave’s parents flew into town. Right in the middle of all that smoke mentioned here .

Friday morning was Dave’s dissertation defense at NC State. This is his one-hour-long opportunity to give a summary of his 3-years of research. The general public is invited — well, the general public in this case is anyone who is interested in stratospheric turbulence — and this is the part Dave’s parents and I sat in on.

As is the tradition for a morning defense, we put out a small breakfast spread from our local Panera Bread shop.

Unbeknownst to Dave, I had taken a couple pictures of his presentation. Lots of vertical profiles of the atmosphere. I guess I understood most of it with a little brain effort.

After the presentation, Dave was left to his PhD committee behind closed doors for another 1 1/2 hours or so, and when that was done we received the happy phone call: “I passed!”. Wonderful news!

That afternoon we went to Dave’s office where one of his professors, Dr. Yuter, gave him this clever cake:

The family had a celebration dinner at the Angus Barn Restaurant in Raleigh…a place we’d been trying to visit for some time. It was most wonderful — Dave and I were reminded of one of our favorite restaurants in State College, The Tavern. The menus are a little different, but the atmosphere and the friendly staff brought back many nice memories.

On Saturday, several of our Raleigh friends (and my sister’s family) threw us a delightful going-away picnic. We combined the celebration with one for Dave completing his PhD, so we had invited his NCSU colleagues, too. Several of them paid a visit to the park. We had a great visit with so many of our friends and family…

And here’s the cake I’d made to celebrate:

Several of the families we’d befriended here presented us with a precious photo album that included pictures going back the past 3 years — from the very first playgroups my boys were in when we moved here! It must have taken hours to gather the photos and assemble them for us. I was definitely in tears going down memory lane with my boys and their friends…and my dear friends, too.

Dave’s parents had a nice relaxing rest-of-the-weekend, and on Monday they took Jacob with them back to New York. This coming weekend is Dave’s family reunion in Lancaster County, PA and we’ll pick up Jacob there and have a great weekend at Uncle Jack and Aunt Shirley Henderson’s farm.

09. June 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

I just have to refer you here — Maryann captured some million-dollar smiles of my boys on Sunday. It was horribly hot all weekend, so she and I were looking for indoor activities for our boys.

We turned them loose with some crafts, and the painting went from “let’s paint with sponges” to “let’s paint with hands, arms, lips and BELLIES!”

I’ll need to upload a picture of Timmy’s art work — a belly print, complete with belly-button hole!

01. June 2008 · Comments Off on Marbles Children’s Museum in Raleigh · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

Maryann did it again , she beat me to the blog, so we’ll start with her post.

Update: Here are my pictures! These are a combination of pics from my Canon Digital Elph and my iPhone camera. Can YOU tell which is which???

31. May 2008 · Comments Off on Our Last Trip to the NC Zoo · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I couldn’t have said it any better myself!

UPDATE: I’ve added my own pictures:

29. May 2008 · Comments Off on A New Blogosphere Friend · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

Hi again!

Eventually I’ll get around to writing about what’s REALLY going on in my life: keeping the boys happy, planning our trip to Nebraska, and keeping all of the contractors working on our house straight. Today should be a relatively relaxing day — the termite treatment is done, the remnants of our home inspection work is now scheduled, and I’ve found a preschool for Timmy in Nebraska!

But for now, allow me to introduce you to Sharon O’Donnell of Cary, NC, who apparently has become famous for her new book “House of Testosterone” about being a Mom of 3 boys.

I saw the website named on a bumper sticker in Apex last week, so yesterday I remembered to check it out. When I noticed all of Ms. O’Donnell’s book readings were in central N.C., I checked further to find out she lives in the next town over from me. Cool!

Many of my blog “regulars” are Moms of boys (Maryann, Wendy, Deidre, Dawn, Mandakini, Robin, Christina): our scrapbooking/sewing/stamping/needlepoint areas have been usurped by toy trains, race tracks, acres of Army men, and Legos Legos Legos! Thought you might enjoy this!
