17. January 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Jake had some fleece mittens (Megan: you remember the ones we got in NH w/ the paw prints?) that have become so stretched out and grubby, it was time for a new pair. I got a bit ambitious and attempted to crochet him a pair. The good news is that they actually look like what they’re supposed to: mittens. Bad news: they’re huge! But Jake really likes them and is wearing them anyway…isn’t he sweet?

I tied a chained length of yarn to them to thread them through the sleeves of his coat. It’s going to be COLD here this weekend, so I got them done just in time. It was about 5 hours worth of work.

From 2008 01 16 Ja…
From 2008 01 16 Ja…
16. January 2008 · 1 comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

This winter, a hairy woodpecker started visiting my suet feeder that hangs right outside my kitchen window. I’ve had lots of birds come by over the years, but this was a first. It visited a couple weeks ago, but too much sudden movement from in the kitchen scared it away. Yesterday was the first time it had returned in a while…

So this time I moved S-L-O-W-L-Y and got my camera, stood at the back of my kitchen, and kicked my 12x zoom into gear. This is what I got, which is pretty good in my humble opinion.

From 2008 01 15 Ha…

Visit here for a couple more pics of the bird.

14. January 2008 · 4 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

My boys love Moon Sand. I’m not Moon Sand’s biggest fan, but I’m willing to accept the risk for the sake of happy kids who are exercising their creative muscles and (above all) are sitting still being good. I suggested to Grammy Vollmer that Timmy receive a Moon Sand play set for Christmas and she came through for us with the Neighborhood Playset. That along with some other containers of Moon Sand we had, and we have enough Moon Sand to even entertain friends who come over to play (which we did a couple weeks ago!).

(By the way, the picture of the neat, clean red and blue Moon Sand siding on the house on the product mentioned above is some sort of pipe dream — Timmy loves “painting” the house, but it would never look that nice.)

Hit the link above, check out the customer reviews about it. I feel both ways — I’m thrilled that my boys enjoy it so much, but it is indeed a bear to clean up. And even after the visible sand is cleaned up, if you walk around my kitchen barefoot for a couple days afterwards, you still feel the grit that my vacuum, dustbuster, broom and sponge didn’t quite get up. Again, an acceptable risk for the sake of happy kids, I guess.

There’s apparently this inflatble play box thing for Moon Sand. Tempting. I wonder how well it would actually work, say on our back porch or something.

So this afternoon the boys spent 45 minutes or so with Moon Sand, and even though the boys make a good effort, there’s still a colossal mess on my kitchen floor when they’re done. And since sweeping up the stuff on the floor brings along dog hair, grated parmesean cheese, crushed Cheerios and the like, there’s no way I’m putting Floor Moon Sand back in with the clean stuff. So I’d estimate a 5-7% loss of product with every play session.

I’m also a tyrant about keeping the colors separated. I know, I know, I’m probably hampering their creativity somewhat, and it’s contrary to the commericals and pictures on the packages of Moon Sand of colors, colors everywhere, but they just don’t mix nicely.


From 2008 01 14 Mo…


From 2008 01 14 Mo…
14. January 2008 · 1 comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Enjoy this picture from the holiday portrait session my boys and my nephews did together back in December. Imagine how tough it is to get 5 little boys to cooperate for the camera, so even though my sister’s youngest wasn’t quite looking at the camera, they were all posing well and were smiling nicely.

Click on the link underneath the picture to see more from the portrait session…including a couple snapshots of the boys eating pretzels on the floor of the mall hallway. Aren’t we classy?

You can once again see how my Timmy is the “White Boy” of the Fox side of his generation. Actually, even on the Vollmer side, his 12-year-old cousin is Italian and also has a dark complexion.

Also, note the boys’ chins. They’re all the same. It was one of the first things my Mom said about Jacob when he was born: “There’s that Fox chin!”

14. January 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:

As part of my role as the family cheapskate, Dave cuts his own hair and I cut the boys’ hair. If anything, it allows me to afford my $42/each haircuts every 6 weeks.

So tonight was haircut night for my two little ones. I do it right before bathtime so they can go straight into the tub. I use Timmy’s booster seat in the kitchen and they both behave very well.

Here are a couple pictures, there are more at this link.

From 2008 01 13 Bo…
Amazing eyelashes!
From 2008 01 13 Bo…

Jake was being super-silly here!

From 2008 01 13 Bo…
From 2008 01 13 Bo…
14. January 2008 · 1 comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:

So today I made a 7-Layer Jello dessert for the family.

I’d never made one before, and really didn’t know much about it. As usual, it was Paul who suggested the recipe, and as usual, I fouled it up somehow.

How was I supposed to know that you’re supposed to make it in a 9 x 13 pan and cut it into squares, like this example Paul found for me. Like the bad potato dumplings, I blame the recipe which didn’t come right out and say what size container to prepare the dessert. So now I know for next time.

So why am I calling it the 6.5 Layer Jello dessert? Because the first layer wasn’t ready before I aggressively poured the 2nd layer in. And they mixed. Oops. But I learned from my mistakes (something I pride myself in, by the way!) and the rest of it turned out pretty great.

I put it in a clear bowl, which the boys enjoyed looking at, and cut it into these silly-looking wedges. Go ahead…laugh! At least my boys enjoyed it and gobbled it up, except the red cherry-flavored Jello. The added Knox gelatin makes this a fine finger-food dessert for parties.

Maryann: I think I’ll make a pink/red one for the Valentine’s Day party? Cut into 2″ x 2″ squares?

From 2008 01 14 Se…
From 2008 01 14 Se…
From 2008 01 14 Se…
13. January 2008 · 4 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

So…how many of you know that I knit? A show of hands…don’t be shy.

A few of you — probably those who received some of my handiwork as Christmas gifts or baby shower gifts, right? What you probably didn’t know is that my dear Mom taught me to knit when I was about 10 years old, and I was happily making baby doll blankets and pot holders for a couple years. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out casting on/off, or any other stitches besides the basic knit…so I didn’t keep the interest much beyond age 12 or so.

“How the @#$%^& do you find the time to knit???? You’re keeping up with 2 kids, working part time, blogging like mad, making Whoopie Pies and bad potato dumplings!”

Easy, I ONLY knit when I’m either (a) sitting on my ass in front of the TV in the evenings after the boys go to bed or (b) sitting on my ass in a moving vehicle. I did an entire baby blanket (Faith!) on a round trip on Amtrak between Cary, NC and NYC.

So why the recent resurgence? My church started up a Prayer Shawl Ministry summer 2006 and thanks to mill end 1lb. sacks of yarn at A.C. Moore, I was able to quickly make up about a 1/2 dozen or so simple shawls in the latter half of 2006. Before we knew it, the 10-12 ladies contributing were up to our ears in shawls and ended up slowing down our work. In the meantime, I was working on other projects to train myself on all those techniques that I didn’t have the motivation to learn as a teenager. The book “Knitting for Dummies” (again, thanks to my Mom) was great, too! I made up about 10 shawls and simple scarves for friends for Christmas in 2006.

I think 2007 was the year of the baby…I ended up knitting 7 baby afghans in 2007, they’ve ended up all over the place! Let’s see if I can recall: Steve and Heather B., Will and Casey B., Rich and Naomi W., John and Bethany H., Joe and Keri T., David and Dawn H., Paul and Faith T. I have two more in the queue…I hope to start on my next one next week for Baby Girl Courtemanche in St. Louis. I’ve my pink and purple yarn all ready to go.

What am I working on currently? Well, for the first time, I’m making something for my family. Dave asked if I could make up a simple afghan that would match our couch. Poor Dave, I’ve been squeezing the afghan in between all these baby blankets and plastic bag crochet projects (see below about the crochet). With this pattern, I’ve been practicing making cables (i.e., a pattern that looks like twisting rope). Here I am sitting on the couch with the almost-completed afghan. I think I have two more days worth of work. Now, in the lower right you can see a clump of the same pattern…I have two edge panels that will be attached to the final product that will make this pretty big when all’s said and done: about 48″ x 66″. Definitely my largest project ever!

I even started crochet recently — but that was in enthusiasm of a cool project I learned about back in October. The recycled plastic bag bag:

This is the last one I’ll be making for a while…unfortunately, each of these bags takes 100-125 plastic shopping bags from Target or Walmart or Food Lion, but I think it’s the ultimate message when it comes to recycling. It was unbelievable how quickly I cleared out my piles and piles of plastic bags and started soliciting friends for theirs. I was able to do 3 of them for this holiday season, and thanks to Maryann G. and Wendy W. for your bag donations. Megan H., Maryann and Lisa C. are the recipients of my first 3, and if I accumulate enough bags to make another one, my sister will get the next one for sure! These 4 ladies are my favorite reusers/recyclers!

This bag was also the first non-blanket/scarf/shawl I’d done. As the title suggested, I’m most comfortable with simple patterns — I’ve yet to attempt a sweater, hat or anything fancier. I’m part-way through a sock and lost interest in that quickly. Meanwhile, my Mom is putting together matching sweaters for all 5 of her grandsons once a year! I remember last Christmas she said “I think I’ll make some mitten ornaments out of leftover Christmas yarn.” One hour later, she had a little pair finished! I’m not that good, but I really enjoy it.

12. January 2008 · 1 comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

On Thursday night, Dave and Timmy performed in a pre-opening celebration — for the big donors — for the new Apex Performing Arts Center. Timmy is the smallest boy performing (white shirt & black pants — he turns and looks at the audience just before they start dancing), while Dave is in black and white with dark suspenders.

The little lady in the dress with red bodice and plaid skirt stole the show, though. You’ll love it!

I offered to take a video of the dance for the group — it was my only way to get into the event 🙂 Pardon the shakiness of the video, the camera was held over my head the whole time. Got a great arm workout!

12. January 2008 · Comments Off on Since we’re featuring Timmy as a baby… · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:

Enjoy! This was from about the same time as the picture from earlier this month.

12. January 2008 · 3 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,
*Any Ren and Stimpy fans out there????

Meet our Prius. It was our Christmas present in 2005, although we waited till Jan 1, 2006 to pick it up so that we could take advantage of Toyota’s incredible $3500 tax credit in 2006. That was a SWEET tax refund that year. This year won’t be so nice.

Anyway, some argued that we were taking a gamble about gas prices choosing to buy a somewhat expensive car that would only be cost effective if gas prices stuck around above about $2.50 per gallon. Judging from the graph, I’d say we’re close. The prices have not delved lower than the last line on this graph (courtesy of DOE).

It’s sort of a game for Dave and me to try to outdo each other with the Highest Mileage Contest. Day-to-day, Dave is the winner by a long shot. He will turn off all the accessories (including the heat in the winter, A/C in the summer) to maximize his mileage. He’s definitely more gentle with the gas pedal than I ever am.

I might actually have the best record on a long drive, averaging 51 mpg on a trip from Raleigh to my Mom’s house in Norfolk, VA in May 2006 without the added load of the kids in the backseat. Everything was perfect: the warmer temperatures, the downgrade of the trip, the relatively flat terrain once you’re in Emporia, VA.

I get to use the Prius on my trips to South Carolina for drilling, and it’s certainly nice to make the entire trip: 6 hours roundtrip, on ONE tank of gas. About $30 right now.