31 July 22: Presenting: Die Passionsspiele 2022 selfie! The play itself starts in a couple hours — 2:30pm till 10:30pm with a dinner break — and photography is prohibited.
In 2009, Dave and I had an invitation through our church in Papillion, Nebraska to see the 2010 showing of the Oberammergau Passion Play. It would have been an amazing trip! The boys were pretty young at that time so we said, “Let’s wait till 2020.” So in March 2018 when the ticket/lodging/meal packages went on sale for the 2020 series, we grabbed a package early on so we could get the date we wanted. I couldn’t have been this proactive without my friend Breea keeping me in line…thank you!
As everyone knows, very little could occur in 2020, including the town’s entire Passion Play season, so, like with the Spanish Flu (and the scarcity of young men after WWI) in 1920, they postponed the season by two years and the 2020 ticket dates moved forward to the same date in 2022.
Friends, this trip to Europe we are on was completely planned around this event! Dave and I have been looking forward to this day for 13 years.
For those wondering what this is and why it’s such a big deal, check out this Wiki.
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