This week has been filled with the boys end-of-the-year activities. Next week is the boys’ last day of school. Between Cub Scouts, baseball and piano, we’re ready for a fun relaxing summer!
Last Thursday night the boys had their Cub Scout crossover ceremony. They walk across a bridge, and once they cross they get to change their uniforms from this past year’s rank to next year’s. Timmy is now a Wolf Cub Scout, Jacob is now a first-year Webelo Scout.
This past week we also celebrated the boys baseball seasons. Jacob’s team had a slip ‘n slide pizza and ice cream party, and Timmy’s team celebrated at the local fire station (his coach is a fireman) with pizza and cupcakes. The boys had a great time just plain playing with their teammates…

Each player was individually recognized, and Timmy took over telling stories of the teams' great plays. Good thing he was the last one recognized (alphabetical order)!
Finally, the boys had their piano recital this past Tuesday. They enjoyed hearing the other kids playing, and it’s been wonderful hearing the progress they’d made this year. Click this link to see the blog post of their performance videos.
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