27. May 2014 · Comments Off on Colorado Discoveries 34: Colorado Springs Sky Sox with Timmy’s Little League Team · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , , ,
Timmy is #2.

Timmy is #2.

The first weekend of May, Timmy’s Little League baseball team did the Little League fan experience thing** with the Colorado Springs Sky Sox, the AAA Minor League Baseball team that plays right up the street from us. They’re the Colorado Rockies AAA affiliate team.

**It took me a second to sleuth around for the name of the program that Timmy participated in. It’s called the “Junior Sky Sox“.

This is very similar to what Timmy’s team did in Florida last summer with the Pensacola Blue Wahoos “Field of Dreams” experience.

This was also one the Sky Sox’s multiple Military Appreciation Nights, along with Timmy’s free ticket, the rest of us got discounted box seat tickets with our military IDs. That was nice.

Timmy’s team got to run out on the field with the Sky Sox players. It was very cute and I’m proud of how well the boys did. Alas, the Sky Sox didn’t win that night.

Timmy is number 2. He's running out with the infielders.

Timmy is number 2. He’s running out with the infielders.

I'm so happy for my telephoto lens.

National Anthem. I’m so happy for my telephoto lens.

After the anthem, the Sky Sox players signed baseballs and gave them to the kids.

After the anthem, the Sky Sox players signed baseballs and gave them to the kids.

Air Force Academy's "The Bird" mascot threw out the first pitch.

Air Force Academy’s “The Bird” mascot threw out the first pitch.

After the show, there were fireworks. I took many photos (I’m not good at fireworks photos), this one is my favorite:


