As always, when asked what I want for Mother’s Day, the answer is the same. I want an outing with the family at a location of MY choosing.
It often involves something more feminine. Being in a house full of guys, I usually have to give up the girlier things during the year, but for Mother’s Day I get my berry picking and botanical gardens visits!
This year, I asked for a trip to Bellingrath Gardens near Mobile, Alabama. Again. I had already dragged the family out there over the holidays to see the fantastic light show, but I wanted to see it in the spring with all the flowers in bloom before we moved to Colorado.
I was not disappointed. And Timmy, my little naturalist, was just as impressed with all the flowers and animals.
I took the good camera with us so I could capture the beauty! Enjoy some pictures. Be forewarned, I took over 300 pictures, so I’ve distilled it down to about 30 of my favorites.

Timmy was helping me find pretty flowers to photograph in the rose garden. I was in heaven with all the roses!

These next few are in a tropical greenhouse exhibit. Plumeria! The scent of these flowers bring back so many memories of Hawaii!

I had zinnias in my garden in Nebraska. I love how bright and cheerful they are.

Fuchsias! I had one of these as a hanging basket in college. It was very big and somewhat overwhelming.

I attempted to manually focus this picture so we can see the spider web and the TINY little spider (towards the left) who did all this work.

If you look closely, there’s a snake on this tree branch. Timmy amazingly saw it slithering in the brush and brought our attention to it.

Look, it’s a real live armadillo! I think Jacob was the one who saw it from a distance scavenging among the dead leaves. I had to seriously zoom in on this picture.

There was an edible garden area. Swiss chard, parsley and pansies. I had that same Swiss chard among my zinnias in Nebraska. It’s called “City Lights” if you want to find the seeds.

More carp…these ones were pretty friendly. I guess they assumed we’d feed them, so they followed us around.
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