Air Force football is an experience like no other. From singing the Air Force song to the Wings of Blue jumping onto the field, it’s one of the more inexpensive NCAA football experiences.
We couldn’t help ourselves. The family got season tickets for Air Force Academy football. It was hard not to. We were interested in just one or two of the games this season, but when we saw the prices for single game tickets vs. season tickets, it was more cost effective to just get the season tickets. Especially when those season tickets include games against Notre Dame and Army.
Dave took the boys to their first USAFA game over Labor Day weekend while I was in Nebraska, but this past Saturday I had my own first experience.
We got military general admission tickets, which means we sit in the south end zone where ever we find the space.

The south end zone is where there’s inexpensive general admission for military groups. Sure, we’re behind the un-netted goal post, but that’s okay. There are no bad seats in Falcon Stadium. We were right in front of that jumbotron.
Penn State this is not. Let’s not compare apples with oranges. Beaver Stadium has double the capacity of Falcon Stadium, and this past Saturday’s game had a lot of empty seats. The more “cozy” experience certain has its perks though: we parked about 1000′ from the stadium, and there were little/no lines for concessions or the ladies’ room (except for the Hawaiian shave ice stand, where Timmy and I waited about 15 minutes for our $5 sno balls). Our seats were very good.
This past weekend’s game was against Utah State. Before the game we enjoyed watching much (but not all) of the cadet corp march onto the field, then the parachute team jumped into the stadium (and land right on the 50 yard line!). “The Bird”, USAFA’s mascot, also jumped into the stadium (although I think it was someone different than “The Bird” we met during the 3rd quarter.)

Cadets march onto the field in traditional parade style. All 4000 cadets don’t fit, I think this is half the corps. 16 of the squadrons.
The team came running out to the field and they all ran to the opposite end zone and “Tebowed” right in front of us.
Dave actually teaches several of the starters on the team, including the quarterback. Unfortunately, the Falcons lost this one 52-20. It was fun to sing the first verse Air Force song as the fight song after the Falcons scored, while the third verse was used as more of a majestic alma mater-sounding song.
I’m looking forward to seeing more games this season.
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