06. October 2008 · 8 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

I guess it’s simply in the stars: I cannot fly from Point A to Point B without some sort of delays.

So here I am in the Columbia, SC, airport, wrapping up my 4 days of drill with my AF Reserve unit (a great productive weekend by the way), and due to a missed maintenance inspection, my aircraft can’t be flown and the agents are in the process of rescheduling everyone.

Unfortunately, they’re working on us in alphabetical order of our destination cities…they’re only on Denver after about 35 minutes, Omaha will be a while.

On the flight in from Omaha to Columbia, an aircraft mishap resulted in the airport being closed for 2 hours last Wednesday night.  They’re super careful now after the crash in Columbia a couple weeks prior.  So my flight put down in Greensville-Spartanburg and we were offered a bus to take us to Columbia. First they’d have to FIND a bus.

While that was happening, I took my life into my own hands and bummed a ride in a rental car from another woman who also didn’t want to wait for the bus. It was great, but Paul had to sit for some 2 1/2 hours waiting for me. Thanks for your patience, Paul!

This morning I had to leave my hotel at 4:30am to get to Columbia in time and we also wanted to make the trip early enough for Steve to get back to Sumter before traffic got too bad. Thanks to Steve for the ride. Too bad there are delays!