24. March 2011 · Comments Off on That Wisteria Book I Was Looking For…."The Floatplane Notebooks" · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags:

On the post I just wrote a few hours ago, I mentioned a book I had read several years ago that involved a very old wisteria, and how the author had personified it in several chapters.

In my crazy search for the book’s title (which mostly yielded references to ABC’s Desperate Housewives), I found this forum that people use to find names of books they’re trying to remember.  Part of the AbeBooks.com website.  I submitted a request, put in what I remembered about the plot and within 6 hours I had two replies.

Thanks to Anna on the forum, I now can share the information with you!

The book my book club read in 2006 was called The Floatplane Notebooks by Clyde Edgerton.  One of the reviewers compares the literary style to William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and they’re absolutely right!