I’ll refrain from the more gory pictures of chum and cigar minnows with their eyes stabbed out, ha ha. But here’s the boat’s catch. There were 10 of us fishing, so we each were allowed to take home two red snapper and many other kinds of fish as well. Dave’s biggest red snapper catch is on the farthest right of the top row, and my lesser amberjack is right next to it.
Yep, I’m quite a bit behind, but I wanted to share Dave’s and my latest Florida adventure.
While the kids were in the northeast visiting with the grandparents, on July 3rd we booked a half-day (6 hour) fishing trip out on the Gulf of Mexico. We had SO MUCH FUN (yes, I’m shouting this).

Our boat, the Gulf Breeze.
We chose Olin Marler Charter Boat service for our trip, since that’s the same company we used for our dolphin cruise in April. The Marler name is a fixture in Destin: “Uncle Billy” Marler was one of the founders of Destin and served as the fishing village’s first postmaster. The founding families’ names are everywhere in Destin: street names, company names and even tied into the names of the boats.
Olin Marler offers several options for deep sea fishing trips: the “party boat” which holds more people on the boat but costs less, the group charter: a smaller boat experience that accepts an assortment of smaller parties, and the truly private charter, where a single group pays for the full cost of the boat trip, regardless of how many people are in the group.
We chose the middle option, since we didn’t want the chaos of a large group but weren’t about to pay for a full boat all to ourselves. Our group charter was able to accomodate up to 30 people on board, but there were only 10 of us. It felt very fortunate to not be on such a crowded boat.
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