18. July 2013 · Comments Off on The Vollmer Space Program is a GO! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , , , ,
Timmy built a small rocket that had a lot of problems during construction, but ended up launching successfully not once, but four times!

Timmy built a small rocket that had a lot of problems during construction, but ended up launching successfully not once, but four times! Twice it nosed right into the ground, but Timmy got it to launch again.

Jacob is very proud of his "Far Side" rocket.

Jacob is very proud of his “Far Side” rocket.

Earlier this week, I was hauling the boys on errand after errand all over Colorado Springs. One of the errands was a short stop at Hobby Lobby to “dry mount” one of Timmy’s Atlanta Braves posters.

While waiting for the work to be done (about 15 minutes) I took the kids to the model crafts aisle. I thought they would look at the airplane kits, but they instead wandered over to the model rockets.

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28. April 2013 · Comments Off on My Baseball Boys · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,
Timmy is on the Phillies.

Timmy is on the Phillies.

Jacob is on the Cardinals.

Jacob is on the Cardinals.

This year the boys are both on very good, very hard working teams. It’s nice to see their hard work and tons of practice pay off in good records. Since it’s become apparent that the boys are serious about their baseball, we made the investment in some better-than-beginner equipment for the two of them.

I took our good camera out to the fields earlier this month, but didn’t get the best pictures because I had to deal with the chain link fence. I was able to use the manual focus on most of them, and all things considered, I’m pretty impressed. Enjoy! More »

23. August 2011 · Comments Off on First Day of School 2011! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,


Today was the first day of school in our boys’ public school system.  Unlike our experience in Nebraska, where the boys walked to school and the parents were requested to spend the first hour of the first day of school with the kids…here the parents met with the teachers last week and the kids were encouraged to take the buses and get dropped off.

Dave and I didn’t have much to document this morning, since it was just them getting on the bus, but here are the pictures we did receive.  Enjoy!

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