The laminate-floored stairs.

The laminate-floored stairs.

We’re in the final stages of our basement remodel!

Over the past couple weeks we finished out the trim work (baseboards, doors), installed the bar and bath cabinets, and finished up the electrical and HVAC work.

We are currently waiting for the cabinet countertops to be installed, and it won’t happen till the 18th. So we have some waiting waiting waiting going on.

I think we’ll be ready to move in by Thanksgiving week.

The bar cabinetry.

The bar cabinetry.

The stairs. I love it!

The stairs. I love it!

Some of the finished doors.

Some of the finished doors.

A minor setback. The drywall guy had covered up two of the HVAC vents. The HVAC guy had to poke holes in the ceiling to look for the vent. The drywall guy was very apologetic and came the very next day to patch up the holes. You'd never know they were there.

A minor setback. The drywall guy had covered up two of the HVAC vents. The HVAC guy had to poke holes in the ceiling to look for the vent. The drywall guy was very apologetic and came the very next day to patch up the holes. You’d never know they were there.




06. November 2013 · Comments Off on A Chill in the Air · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , , ,
Can you feel the chill in the air just looking at this picture? Brrr.....

Can you feel the chill in the air just looking at this picture? Brrr…..

Winter is most certainly on its way! Here in eastern Colorado we’re now experiencing days where the high temperature doesn’t exceed 35F, and the lows are dipping into the teens. Colorado Springs is well known for its very mercurial weather, it could be 70F one day, 20F the next. Dave and I are working with the boys to prepare themselves for the wild weather ride we’re going to experience this winter.

Coming from Florida, we’ve had to make quite the investment in warm clothing for the boys. Dave and I have enough nice toasty sweaters and fleece socks, but the kids had outgrown everything they had in Nebraska 2008-2010. We got them sweaters, hoodies, snow pants, suede clogs and even some snow boots. I was mixed about getting them full-fledged snow boots, but after the first significant snowfall in mid-October, the boys demonstrated they really needed them.

I tend to buy really big – Timmy, even though he’s only 8 years old, now has size 12 snow pants and a size 12-14 parka.

I bought some nice gloves for the boys from REI. That was a mistake: Timmy lost one of the gloves the first day he wore them to school back in early October. Back to the $1 Walmart gloves!

It’s been a challenge getting the boys to understand that they need to dress warmly for school. Timmy resists zipping his coat, Jacob resists wearing a hat on his head. Gee, I wonder where they get that from (says the girl who HATED zipping her coat and wearing her hats)? I’ll have the kids put on their coats and shoes, and Timmy’s wanting to head out into 25F temperatures with just a hoodie.

So I will announce, “Timmy, it’s 25 degrees outside!”

But I don’t think he fully understands. Am I a bad Mom to think that maybe he just needs to experience some serious cold without a coat for him to understand? I can’t bring myself to do that — I make him put on his coat, gloves, and hat.

Dave and I are really looking forward to skiing this season! I will need new boots, Dave might need some new bindings, but otherwise we feel our Korea skis will be fine for us. The boys will be renting skis for the season through the Air Force Academy’s Outdoor Recreation Center. We’ll see about snowboarding — Timmy wants to learn, and I’ve offered to take lessons with him.

Jacob and Timmy getting used to their first day of Mount Crescent, Iowa. Read more about Mount Crescent here.

Jacob and Timmy getting used to their first day of skiing…ever…at Mount Crescent, Iowa. Read more about our December 2009 trip to Mount Crescent here.

Jacob qualified for a couple of outstanding skiing promotions that are expressly for Colorado 5th and 6th graders. If you live in Colorado and you have a 5th or 6th grader, I encourage you to check it out. You will need a copy of the 5th/6th grader’s report card, or at least proof of age. Even if you go skiing just once or twice this season, getting the free passes will save quite a bit of money.

Do you plan to ski this winter? Where will you be heading this season?

03. November 2013 · Comments Off on Colorado Discoveries 18: The (Tax Exempt) All Colorado Beer Festival · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , ,
The All Colorado Beer Festival is a great fund raiser hidden in the guise of a fun party.

The All Colorado Beer Festival is a great fund raiser hidden in the guise of a fun party.

This past Saturday night Dave and I joined some friends for a fun evening in Colorado Springs celebrating Colorado craft beers at the All Colorado Beer Festival.

I didn’t take any good pictures during the evening, unfortunately, but I did want to show off our take of stickers that we collected. Dave and I want to come up with a classy way to display the sticker in our new basement bar. We’ll take any and all ideas.

Back to the beer fest: for $30 per person, visitors were able to enjoy from over 60 Colorado* beer vendors. If you’re unfamiliar with beer festivals, you receive a 4 oz. mini-beer glass (made of Lexan-type plastic). And armed with it you could taste to your heart’s content. The variety of beers were widespread. You name it, there was a sample to be had: dunkelweizens, IPAs, reds, Belgian whites (of which there were many). I even tasted a “pineapple cyder [sic]” that was pretty potent. I think the most unusual beer I tried was Blue Moon’s (cough, cough Coors‘, cough, cough) Harvest Moon pumpkin ale, which was presented to me with a sprinkle of brown sugar/pumpkin pie spice blend on the crook of my hand. I was to lick the spice, then drink the ale…tequila-shot-style.

*I was surprised to see Anheuser Busch at the event, but they have a Fort Collins brewery. They claimed to be serving only the beers that were brewed in Fort Collins: Bud Light and Shock Top Pumpkin Ale. OOOOOOkay.

Here is a sampling of some of the companies that offered my favorite brews:

The All Colorado Beer Festival organization is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. This should mean that most of the money raised from the event supports charities. In this case, the organization is supporting three charities in the local area: THEATREWORKS, The Empty Stocking Fund, and The Homefront Cares. The latter is near and dear to my heart because it’s helping local military families.

The organization has donated over $120,000 to the charities since it started in 2008. However, some are critical of a beer festival having tax exempt status.

What do you think?

29. October 2013 · Comments Off on Pumpkin Carving Time! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,


Better late than never, right?

Timmy and I enjoyed carving our four pumpkins this afternoon. I’m so proud of Timmy, this year he offered to do everything but got really nervous about gutting the pumpkins. So I did it for him…because I’m a sucker for that stuff.

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29. October 2013 · Comments Off on Colorado Discoveries 17: Spruce Mountain Open Space · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,

Colorado basks in their “open spaces”. I’m not sure if it’s a special category of park or what, but there are many in our community, and there are several between Colorado Springs and Denver.

That’s where my latest adventure took me.

Just north of the towns of Monument and Palmer Lake, Colorado is the Spruce Mountain Open Space. Last Friday my friend and her sons invited me on a hike at Spruce Mountain on the boys’ day off from school. My sons were in school so I was joining them solo.

Don’t let the word “mountain” in the name fool you. It’s more of a mesa, and we took a very similar hike at Palmer Park in the heart of Colorado Springs. Just the same, Spruce Mountain gives you some beautiful views that are much more peaceful. I’ll take Spruce Mountain.

The parking lot was packed! You can see that it's not a huge "mountain".

The parking lot was packed! You can see that it’s not a huge “mountain”.

A map of the trails available here. We started in the upper right and headed towards the lower left.

A map of the trails available here. We started in the upper right at the parking area/trailhead and headed towards the lower left to Windy Point.

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28. October 2013 · Comments Off on Colorado Discoveries 16: Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , , ,
You'll see all of the wolf pictures with the grid of a fence in front of them. You had to pay some big bucks to get better photos.

You’ll see all of the wolf pictures with the grid of a fence in front of them. You had to pay some big bucks to get better photos.

I have a lot of catching up to do on my personal blog, as well as with GeekMom, as well as a guest post for my friend The Country Cook’s blog later this week. We’ve been quite busy with wrapping up our basement finish project, and the typical kids’ activities are cruising along nicely too.

Later this morning I have my annual Air Force fitness test. This year I’m taking it at the AF Academy, which should be interesting: the fitness center is at 7000′ elevation. I know I will pass, at least.

In the meantime, let’s get going on our latest Colorado Discovery trip to the Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center.

Jacob’s BFF-in-Colorado had a birthday trip to the center, which is located in Divide, Colorado. Divide is about 40 miles west of Colorado Springs. It took us about an hour to get there on U.S. 24 west of the Rampart Range.

The Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center trip was very similar to our October 2012 trip to the Seacrest Wolf Preserve in Chipley, Florida…except for the much colder weather in Colorado.

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21. October 2013 · Comments Off on The Best Peanut Butter Cookies Ever! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,



This past weekend I made peanut butter cookies. In part because I had a jar of peanut butter that needed to be finished off ASAP. It was “natural” peanut butter that had separated during our move to Colorado and didn’t look so hot. I figured mixed into the cookie dough well enough it’d be fine.

The recipe I have for peanut butter cookies is adapted from a basic recipe I saw on the All Recipes website. It’s very basic. However, I added in some techniques that makes them almost melt-in-your-mouth! I was very pleased that this recipe worked at my home’s higher altitude also.

It’s science, my friends! See below in the instructions.


Peanut Butter Cookies that Melt in Your Mouth

1 cup unsalted butter (you may use salted, but then you should halve the salt)

1 cup white sugar

1 cup packed brown sugar

1 cup peanut butter (creamy or crunchy, it’s good either way)

2 eggs

2 1/2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda

Mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Set aside.

Using the whisk attachment on a stand mixer, cream the butter, peanut butter, and both sugars. DO NOT SKIMP on this step. You want to beat this for 5-7 minutes until the mixture is light and fluffy. Walk away for a few minutes, catch up on your mail…fold the laundry.

Stop the mixer every once in a while to scrape down the sides of the bowl.

You are incorporating air bubbles into the mixture which helps give the cookie dough a lighter texture when baking.

With the mixer still running, add the eggs, one at a time. Beat mixture until it lightens in color, another 1-2 minutes.

Stop using the mixer now! You will now want a large spoon or spatula to slowly mix the dry ingredients into the butter/sugar/egg mixture. Stir until all the dry ingredients are incorporated.

Cover with plastic wrap and chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Roll the dough into 1 – 1 1/2″ balls and place at least 2″ apart on an ungreased cookie sheet. Using a fork dusted in flour, make the ubiquitous waffle-like fork-tines pattern on the ball of cookie dough, flattening it just a little.

Bake in a 375F oven for 10 minutes. Do not overcook.


As much as I love the texture of this cookie, I’m still trying to tweak the recipe to bring out more peanut butter flavor. This past weekend’s recipe had dark brown sugar and I think it subdued the peanutty flavor some. Also, this peanut butter was sort of old, dating from this past spring.

I would like to try this recipe with light brown sugar and fresh-made peanut butter. I might be doing that as soon as this weekend, Dave requested peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and I have a bag of Wilbur chocolate chips for him!

What’s your favorite peanut butter cookie recipe! Share it with us!

We awoke to our first snow accumulation this past Friday!

We awoke to our first snow accumulation this past Friday!

We were excited to wake up to snow on the ground this past Friday! The kids had no school, so they had the chance to play outside for a while.

We had about 2 1/2″ total by about 9am, but it was all melted by lunchtime. From what I understand, this is typical in Colorado Springs.

The view from our back deck!

The view from our back deck!

I’m glad I got the boys new parkas and snow pants, but I guess they could use some boots soon. Where do I begin to get some?

12. October 2013 · Comments Off on Colorado Discoveries 15: The Georgetown Loop Railroad · Categories: Uncategorized
The Georgetown Loop Railroad is a nice short rail excursion that's great for kids.

The Georgetown Loop Railroad is a nice short rail excursion that’s great for kids. Love the conductor sticking his head out the window on the right, although we were warned multiple times to NOT do that.

A couple weekends ago our family took a trip up towards Denver to visit the Georgetown Loop Railroad. It was a beautiful early autumn day. I was hoping we’d see brighter aspen, but we were a couple weeks early for that.

The Georgetown Loop Railroad is a remnant of the Georgetown, Breckenridge, and Leadville Railroad from the late 1880s. The railroad was very busy during Colorado’s gold and silver rushes in late 1800s. The line was all but abandoned by the late 1930s. It was reopened in the 1980s for tourist excursions and is still very popular today, thanks to it being less than an hour west of Denver on I-70.

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08. October 2013 · Comments Off on 5 Movies that Make Me Cry — Every Time! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , ,


I was flipping channels last night. Usually that’s Dave’s job, but he goes to bed pretty early ahead of his teaching days. He has to be at work with enough time to prepare for a 0730 class on teaching days.

There is a batch of movies that I will always stop on if it’s playing on a channel. Movies that include Julie and Julia, Eat, Pray, Love, and The Princess Bride. But those movies don’t make me cry. I even own The Princess Bride but I’ll still endure the commercials for the convenience of it being on.

But there are five movies that I will stop at every time and watch…and have my Kleenex ready!

Last night it was Steel Magnolias.

SPOILER ALERT! I will be describing the scenes that make me cry. If you don’t want to know what happens, please don’t read on! Here’s a picture of a movie poster to break things up for you.

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