11. January 2009 · 4 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

This is “The Bra”, the nickname for the tent covering the central patio in our base’s living area. I don’t think I need to explain any more. The base gym, BX, finance office, library, media center and WiFi hotspot (with which I can do these blog posts) all are near here.

Anyway, to give you an idea of the dust here, note the different colors to the “bra cups”. Yesterday I was kicked out of my spot under the right side of the tent because workers were hoisted up to the top of the tent to scrub it.

The right side is scrubbed, the left side, obviously, isn’t. I don’t know how often they do this…I’ll keep you posted.

It isn’t super-dusty here, but there isn’t a lick of foliage anywhere at all! No grass, no trees, NOTHING. All sand and rocks. For those who know how much I love to garden, you could imagine my disdain!

Maybe I should ask for stuff to plant flowers here? The climate is great this time of year…