11. August 2013 · Comments Off on Colorado Discoveries 9: Cripple Creek · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , ,

Our family took a leisurely drive in the Mustang with the top down. We didn’t set a location precisely, but ended up in Cripple Creek, Colorado, a very quiet little mining town that’s filled with casinos.

There’s a tourist railroad in Cripple Creek, called the Cripple Creek & Victor Narrow Gauge Railroad. Trains leave every 40 minutes and take tourists on a 45 minute ride. We didn’t plan to stay long enough for a train ride, but we enjoyed looking around at the depot.

You know what else is cool, the railroad is pet friendly! When we come back to ride it we fully intend to bring Howie!

Otherwise, Cripple Creek has numerous small casinos and little else. The state voted to allow gambling in Cripple Creek in 1991. The town is tiny. It was tough to find a place for lunch in the area…most of the restaurants are in the casinos. But we did find a burger joint on called The Creek on Bennett Avenue (the main drag), that was pretty good. Dave had an elk burger which he testified was pretty darned good.



The kids have mixed feelings about having the top down. So long as we aren’t going too fast, they really enjoy it.

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