07. May 2008 · 3 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Okay, this had come up some time ago, but I’m just now getting around to addressing it.

I received a lot of crap regarding my Swimsuit Identity Crisis blog posting. “Why would you want a skirted swimsuit?” “You don’t need to wear something like that.”, etc.

But let’s get to the bottom line.

I’m lazy.

Most of my regulars have met me in person. For those who haven’t met me, you can look to the right and see the picture of me. I have dark hair. I have thick hair. Friends have flatteringly told me about how they’d kill for hair like mine (blush).

But there’s a flip side. Not to gross you out, but consider that beautiful lush dark thick hair translated to my legs, armpits…and, ahem, other areas.

Back in the 50s and 60s, the term was “defuzzing”. How dainty, delicate. Ugh.

My Chinese Mom doesn’t even have to shave her legs at all (seriously, you can’t see a thing!). I think she was quite appalled at the jungle that erupted on my legs when I was 11-12 years old.

Ever met a girl with 5 ‘o clock shadow on her LEGS?

Anyway, one of the corollary reasons for wanting a skirted swimsuit was that I could avoid the whole shaving/waxing/plucking of the bikini line. I tried the boy-short suit one season, that was okay, but the skirt seemed prettier.

Ultimately it was Dave who convinced me to skip the skirt-thing altogether this year, and I selected this suit, tankini top and bikini bottom, both in the Geo Dot pattern, from Athleta.

(Notice how much larger the picture of the bottom is here — that’s about how I had to buy these, really!)
So I’m back to the summer routine of waxing and plucking. Shaving doesn’t cut it (no pun intended).

If you dare, check out the latest poll…it’s a wild one, don’t worry, it’s anonymous! Men, feel free to reply, there’s an option for you too!