04. January 2009 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I just realized that I never blogged about Dave’s and my first baby, Howie.

From Howie

The day we got him, he had to wear the leash for about 24 hours straight and the crate was his home for the first 18 months or so.

Or Howard.

Or Howie-the-Wonder-Dog.

From Howie

Howie is our 8 1/2 year old Lab-Chow Chow mixed breed puppy. We got him in August 2000, just after our 5th anniversary, from a shelter in Kettering (near Dayton), Ohio. Dave and I were grad students at the time, and it wasn’t hard for us to spend enough time at home to help housetrain Howie. We also had ample time for some good training early on, which is probably the best time investment you can make in a pet

From Howie

We were hoping for a big, Lab-sized dog with Lab-length fur, and we ended up with something closer in size and fur to a Border Collie. Howie is a very calm dog, rather quiet, and chasing rodents is his #1 downfall.

From Howie

This is the scene that Dave and I faced when we’d head out the door to school in the morning…Howie with a toy in his mouth, making us feel SO guilty for leaving him for a few hours.

Before we had human babies, Howie was the one we would spoil at Christmas, he’d come with us everywhere, and before the quarantine rules changed, we were even convinced that we didn’t want to get stationed in Hawaii, we couldn’t bear to have to quarantine Howie for a number of months!

From Howie

Howie would jump the gate when it was just one gate, so we had to use two baby gates.

Howie is the most laid-back dog you’ll ever know. In fact, he’s more like a cat in so many ways! He enjoys sitting at a window looking out at the world and he’s a very picky eater. He doesn’t play with toys the way other dogs do — Howie has his favorite stuffed dinosaur and bunny rabbit (from his puppy days) but otherwise he enjoys chasing squirrels in our backyard, and nipping at loose pant legs.

From Howie

Howie lounging on his “Civil War” dog bed, which I made from leftover material from reenacting costumes I’d made.

So many of our boys’ friends, who previously may not have liked dogs, ended up loving Howie to death and would start bugging their parents for pets of their own (sorry Wendy and Julie!)

From Howie

Howie (left) playing wth his two dog friends in Florida, Jerome (right) and Moxie (top). We 3 families would trade around dogsitting in FL. This was in Florida, but Jerome and Moxie are now in Ohio.

(Okay, so I’m a little biased!)

From Howie

Over the years, Howie has had to take a back seat to the boys. I feel badly at how often we have to leave Howie out of a family outing because having the boys with us was enough trouble. Howie was subjected to years of having toddler boys around, each of our boys had a good 18-24 months of “Don’t pull Howie’s tail!” or “Don’t sit on Howie!” or “Please leave Howie’s dog food alone!”.

From Howie

Howie is keeping an eye on the construction workers while we had tile floors put into our FL house, late 2004.

This past summer, just before we left North Carolina, we took Howie for a checkup and our vet deemed Howie a “senior dog”. Howie had put on some weight in North Carolina, and he had the worst allergies…his gorgeous coat was definitely compromised while we were living there. I wanted to cry at the thought of our first baby now being a “senior”.

From 2007 06 17 Family Reunion PA

One of Howie’s favorite things to do, chase the hay wagon at the Vollmer family reunion!

So here are some pictures of Howie for you to enjoy…when I talk about how much I’m going to miss my boys when deployed, Howie is among my boys!

From 2007 05 01 Howies Birthday

We had a birthday party for Howie in 2007, Jacob said that Howie needs a cake, so we made one for him, and Howie even got to enjoy a big piece! (No chocolate!)

(See how grey he’s getting around the muzzle? Sniff sniff!)

From 2007 06 17 Family Reunion PA
01. January 2009 · 4 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Happy New Year to my Blog-readers! Thank you for your continued support, hopefully I’ve done my job in keeping friends and family informed of my goings-on this past year. While attempting to keep it entertaining.

This funny story came to me from one of our North Carolina neighbors. She and her son and his girlfriend used to dogsit Howie on our many weekend roadtrips.

To my Dog loving friends out there


Excerpts from a Dog’s Diary……

8:00 am – Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am – A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am – A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am – Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm – Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm – Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm – Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm – Milk Bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm – Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm – Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm – Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat’s Daily Diary…

Day 983 of my captivity..

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.

Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.

The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a ‘good little hunter’ I am.


There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of ‘allergies.’ I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try th is again tomorrow — but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released – and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now………………

14. December 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I want to fly into hurricanes when I grow up!

Many who know me know that I’ve wanted to do that for many years. I may have even mentioned it in high school, but probably didn’t talk about it anymore once I learned that most of the people who do that are in the Air Force…and in high school I never dreamed of joining the military.

It’s probably one of those things that probably would only work out for me if the stars were lined up just right. Dave would have to be stationed back in the southeast again, etc. Not sure if the winds will blow us in that direction again…

This weekend, since I was relatively close, I took a drive from Fort Walton Beach over to Biloxi, MS, where my friend Brian lives now. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive. He moved down in summer 2007 and is now a member of the Hurricane Hunters, the USAF Reserves 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron. He really got busy this past 2008 hurricane season, flying through such headliners as Gustav and Ike.

I arrived last evening around 6pm…it was already dark by the time I arrived, but even the moonlight couldn’t hide the changes to the Gulf Coast since I was last there in 1996. When we drove around during the day again on Saturday, I was pretty emotional about everything that got destroyed. Gorgeous Antebellum Homes, thousands of years of vegetative growth, and the very lives of hundreds of thousands of people. It’s very unfortunate seeing the toll the current economy is going to take on the rebuilding efforts there…

Today Brian took me over to visit his squadron, and I got a brief tour of the aircraft, including the equipment they use. Very cool…I am particularly impressed by the SFMR (dyslexically nicknamed “Smurf”), which is a radar system that can determine surface wind speeds while airborne based on the agitation of the waves on the ocean surface.

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

After visiting the squadron, we ate lunch at Mary Mahoney’s in old historic downtown Biloxi. It was neat seeing their documentation of Hurricanes Camille and Katrina, and I had some delicious crawfish etouffee with a bread pudding dessert.

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

The sign at the top of the above picture is shown in closeup below:

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

Then we spent the afternoon at two casinos: the Beau Rivage and the Hard Rock. We didn’t really gamble (a few slot machines), but I really enjoyed seeing the gorgeous holiday decorations at the Beau Rivage and the rock music memorabalia at the Hard Rock.

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

We did a lot of walking Saturday afternoon and after dinner I hopped back over to Fort Walton Beach. I had a nice time and it’s always fun to visit with old friends…thanks for your hospitality, Brian!

PS: Enjoy this artwork from Mississippi native Dayton Scoggins. He’s been carving dead live oak stumps into these stunning works of art:

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

From 2008 12 13 Patricia_Brian_Biloxi

Today has been gray and rainy all day. Ugh.

Dave is in Michigan for a Google Earth conference. I’m jealous. I love Google Earth and would LOVE to learn how to write code for overlaying data!

So it’s just the boys and me tonight, so we had a laid-back afternoon/evening. We built Legos, ate macaroni and cheese for dinner, popped some popcorn, watched some Return of the Jedi, and had a video teleconference with FotoMom and her son Joey!

I have to share the popcorn experience with you. I picked up an ear of popcorn at the Arbor Day Farm.

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

So this is it. About $2 from the souvenir shop.

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

I like these instructions! So you can’t sue the company if your microwave explodes?

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

So here’s the popping bag.

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

And here’s the popping bag with the ear of corn it in, per the instructions.

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

The instructions say to fold down the bag THREE TIMES, which is what I do here.

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

The shots of the corn in the microwave popping didn’t come out, but this is the product when it’s done. For starters, I popped this about a minute longer than your standard Pop Secret or Orville Redenbacher’s and it DIDN’T BURN! The first kernels popping sends the cob bouncing in the bag in the oven, which the boys thought was really funny.

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

A closeup of the cob — several kernels popped and remained on the cob. Cool!

From 2008 10 21 BigRedPopcorn

The finished product. The one cob gave us about 1 1/2 commercial bags worth of popped corn. Since this is about as pure as it gets, we had to season it ourselves. All I did in this case was drizzle 2 Tbsp. of melted salted butter on top. Perfection!

So the boys and I sat down and devoured this popcorn while watching the first part of Return of the Jedi. Then Maryann chimed in on AIM and we chatted for a few minutes. After all this time, I never got around to installing our web cam on our desktop computer…it’s a laptop webcam and Dave took the laptop with the software with him to Michigan. So we discussed letting our boys see each other and talk on the AIM webcam:

From 2008 10 21 VideoTeleconWithMaryannJoey

Joey and Timmy are showing each other their toy lightsabers. Joey’s is green (on the main screen) and Timmy’s is blue (on the inset screen). The laptop camera is on the left side of the picture, clipped to the left hand of my running trophy, which you can read about me winning here.

The boys had a blast with this — I put the camera far enough away on the desk that both boys could easily be in Joey’s field of view and they had the best time exchanging stories and telling each other how much they miss each other (awwwww….).

In a rare moment, I was able to get the webcam working in about 10 minutes…that’s the time it took to install the software and configure the video/audio on the webcam. Usually something goes awry when I’m installing new hardware, but tonight we were lucky — I figured I’d be jinxed for sure with 3 little boys’ happiness riding on whether the software installed correctly!

09. October 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , , , ,

Over the weekend I officially got permission to post a nice photo and talk about Paul on my blog. He’s my USAF “partner in crime”, we’ve been colleagues for as long as I’ve been a reservist — nearly 4 years! We now work together in SC, although I actually only see him 3-4 times per year on the occasional drill weekend. He’s in a holding pattern waiting to be our unit’s commander — I hope it’s soon for his sake, he’s starting to bounce off the walls wanting to boss us around 😉

Many of the things you see on my blog are inspired by conversations I’ve had with him. Such as the polls. He and I trade ideas about cake decorating, family dinners, what new cars to buy, Wii games, new gadgets, activities to do with the family on weekends, and many many many professional matters. He and his wife introduced me to the Pioneer Woman!

In fact, just today he mailed me this blog to read. I thought I’d share with you an example of the fun stuff we discuss.

All this time I’ve been telling Paul, “Get your own blog” so he can pontificate about his adoration of Costco, GPS units, separate master bedrooms and the true value of your vote in America.

Paul and I are taking a deployment to the Middle East in 2009 — not together. He and I received permission to split a rotation, I’ll take the first half, he’ll take the 2nd. I think this is a wonderful opportunity presented to the two of us — our opportunities to serve the Global War on Terror without being away from home for too long, and a testament of the trust and friendship he and I have for each other that we both said “Okay, we’ll do it”. After all, if one of us bails, the other is held responsible for the ENTIRE trip.

For those who knew this was coming up, I won’t discuss the details here, but I’m leaving sometime after Christmas and should be back in early April. I’m not going to Iraq or Afghanistan, but to another location that supports those locations. Please rest assured that I will be safe in this location, provided the area remains as stable as it has been for the past several years. The job I’ll be performing is quite exciting and I’m sure I’ll be super-busy! Relative to most other military members, this is a very short deployment, although one day away from my boys is a day too many.

Tangent: I’ve promised to Dave that after this trip I will never voluntarily take a deployment for the remaining 6 years of my AF career. He’s going to have a challenge playing single Dad during our first Nebraska winter, and he’s been a great sport at keeping it in perspective. He wants to introduce the boys to skiing while I’m gone!

So here’s to you Paul (I’m raising my cotton boll to you!) — thanks for your personal and professional friendship, and for splitting the trip the desert.

PS: The picture above was taken in May 2008 at a picnic while we were working in SC. At first we were both posing like superheroes and the line “Wondertwin Powers, Activate!” went through my head.

29. September 2008 · Comments Off on Relaxing Weekend · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,

Not quite that relaxing.

I figured I’ve give a little briefing on our weekend…we didn’t do a ton, but we had a nice time.

On Saturday, we started with a family bike ride. Dave wanted to step up his workouts a little, so he volunteered to pull the boys in the trailer on the trail. It was really tough since both boys together are now about 90 lbs…and it’s a tight squeeze for the boys, too. After several instances of fighting and one hitting episode in the trailer, by the end of the ride Dave and I we so frustrated that we decreed that if Jake wants to join the family on any more bike rides, he has to supply his own transportation.

We started near Offutt AFB and rode towards the northwest into Papillion. I’d say we went about 10 miles total.

Afterwards, we joined our neighbors Steve and Alissa, who lives behind us, for a smoked brisket dinner, cupcakes for their daughter Dawn’s 4th birthday, and Penn State football on Pay-Per-View! ABC was nationally televising the PSU-Illinois game in part of the country, but here ABC was showing Nebraska-Virginia Tech. Go figure. Steve is a Michigan State grad, so we can all say “Let’s Go State!” together, no matter who! We had a nice time hanging out drinking beers (and Woodchuck Cider) with our new friends, while the kids played and watched videos in the basement.

On Sunday, the family slept in (anything past 7:30am is “sleeping in” for the boys). Mom and Dad weren’t out of bed till after 8am, and we wanted to be out the door by 9 for Sunday school! Yikes! We quickly dressed and had breakfast and were out the door for church about 5 minutes late. That’s okay…Jake’s Sunday school class started late today anyway.

After church we hit Home Depot for the supplies for Timmy’s R2-D2 Halloween costume. A small bullet garbage can, white, silver and royal blue spray paint (the trash can is this iridescent beige color) and some masking tape. More on the costume later this week as we get to work on it. Dave will need to cut the bottom out of the trash can, then we’ll have to craft some sort of suspenders out of white duct tape (left over from Jake-the-Astronaut from 2006). Timmy’s arms will be R2’s side legs.

This afternoon we had visitors from NORTH CAROLINA! Yes! Some friends from our church in Cary, Kathryn Vollmer and her sister Ruth Schwasinger, are in town this week and paid us a visit. To our knowledge, Kathryn’s and our Vollmer families aren’t related going back several generations. Her part of the family is from the midwest, ours is from Pennsylvania.

So Kathryn and Ruth are both U. of Nebraska graduates and next weekend is Ruth’s 50th reunion! So Kathryn and Ruth are here for about 1 1/2 weeks visiting friends and family, and next weekend they’ll get to enjoy (?) the Nebraska-Missouri football game. Since Missouri is ranked #4 this week…we’ll see.

Kathryn and Ruth stopped by for about 2 hours…they’re quite a pair. If you are a fan of the movie “A Room With A View”, Kathryn and Ruth remind me of the “Miss Allens”, “Catherine” and “Teresa”. Two older sisters who enjoyed life to the fullest, traveling and spending time with friends. We spent the time talking about a wide variety of topics: books, movies, the economy, and our recent travels.

(Side note: “A Room With a View” is my favorite movie in the universe, for those who didn’t know.)

Made steaks for dinner, and enjoyed a relaxing night of watching “The Amazing Race” (beekeepers?) and the final episode of “Feasting on Waves“.

I think I’ve officially recovered from this crazy busy week — I have 3 days of further catching up before I head to South Carolina for 4 days of work.

18. August 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
18. August 2008 · Comments Off on Memories · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
I’m so happy about this! The past couple houses we’ve had, we’ve hung up a few pictures of the family, but nothing at all like what I’d like. I had many…many….many pictures in frames that you’d prop up on a table, but those had to come down once the curious kids came along. They’d been put away for some 5 years now.
But then I discovered 3M Command Adhesive Picture Hanging Strips! They’re basically Velcro strips that you attach to the picture frame and the wall. Now I could hang non-hooked frames up on the wall!
I asked Dave if we could do a mosaic-style stairwell, and I was thrilled when he offered to put up all the pictures himself! I didn’t know how I’d arrange them, but I just told Dave, “Doesn’t matter the order, so long as they’re all up!”. I think he did a wonderful job.
It looks eccentric, I know, but I love seeing all of our friends and family there.
The next blog post is the wall on the other side of the staircase, which has plenty of space for more pictures. I have several from NC that still need frames.
13. August 2008 · Comments Off on Hi Southern Girl! · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,

I’m excited that another one of my friends has made the jump to the dark side. Southern Girl is one of the Original Playgroup* Mom friends from when I first moved to North Carolina in July 2005.

She’s your classic North Carolina-born-and-bred lady, and her storytelling is all the proof you need that’s she’s a Southern Belle through and through.

I’ll definitely miss her from way out here in Nebraska, and it’s made my day that she now has a blog.

*History lesson: I call it the “Original Playgroup”. When I first moved into our NC neighborhood, the first thing I did when we were over the unpacking stresses was take our boys to the neighborhood pool. This was about a week after our furniture was delivered. Within an hour I meet Dawn and her two sons who were the same ages as my two sons. Within another hour the boys and I are invited to join Dawn and several other neighborhood Moms of 2-3 year olds in a once-per-week playgroup. Through this playgroup I also met Wendy, Southern Girl, Julie and Carrie. We’ve watched our kids grow up together since summer 2005 and I’m glad for e-mail and blogging to keep up from across the country.

29. July 2008 · 2 comments · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: , ,


We are staying with friends in Belleville, IL, which is near St. Louis. Thought I’d bring you up to speed on some of the highlights of our trip since we left Martinsburg on Sunday.

We drove from Martinsburg, WV to Dayton, OH on Sunday, and it was an absolutely stunning drive! You hop onto I-70 near Hagerstown and then continue onto I-68 west which takes you along Maryland’s east-west axis, through Cumberland. You enter West Virginia again near Morgantown. Here’s a pic of our driving through Sideling Hill, this neat-looking man-made rock cut.

We spent Sunday night at Wright-Patterson AFB, near Dayton, OH. Dave and I were stationed there in 2000-2002. We let some friends know we’d be in the area and they wasted no time organizing a small BBQ dinner for us, and invited some mutual friends who had recently moved back to Wright-Patt this past year. The last time we had seen each other, only the Randalls had kids, the Sitlers and Vollmers were still doing the DINK-thing!

Jake and Timmy got to meet Rachel and Thor Sitler, and enjoyed playing in their backyard and eating BBQ chicken after a 7 hour drive from Martinsburg.

Monday morning, we hit the road from Wright-Patt for Scott AFB, IL, which is about 20miles east of St. Louis. Unfortunately, the stunning scenery had converted into most rural fields of corn and soybeans starting on I-70 in Columbus, but Jake and I found a fun diversion in searching out the NASCAR trucks transporting the race cars from the Brickyard race at Indianapolis to their next race destination at Pocono Raceway for the Pennsylvania 500 this weekend. I saw many of these trucks (imagine “Mack” from the movie Cars) going in the opposite direction from us on I-70, but Jake was only able to see one of two of them. I was lucky enough to get a picture of Casey Mear’s vehicle’s truck in Indianapolis.

Again, we have friends stationed here, so we (again) let folks know that we’d be in the area and we received an invitation from Bill and Alisen Courtemanche to stay at their house and spend some time visiting. We also visited with Hugh and Rachel Freestrom who also are stationed at Scott. Lots of kids to meet, including two brand-new babies, and again Jake and Timmy were thrust into a “Here, meet so-and-so and go play!”. Kids can be so flexible sometimes!

Today we took a trip to the Whittle Shortline RR store in western St. Louis. I did some birthday shopping for Jake and for Johnny Goldman (shhh!) and the boys spent well over an hour enjoying the super-cool train table. It was hard to have to tell the boys they couldn’t buy everything they saw…

After the Whittle Short Line, we took a short trip to Bill and Alisen’s neighborhood pool, which had a cute beach-like kids’ area…

Tomorrow we’ll be headed out by 8am, continuing our northwestward trek. We go through St. Louis, continue westward to Kansas City, make a right and go north towards Iowa. We’ll cross into Nebraska just below Omaha, in the town of Bellevue…

…and hopefully that’s the last long drive we’ll be doing for a LONG while! We’re very glad to be wrapping up this journey — it’s been fun, and we’re so grateful to all the families who served us dinners, took us out for fun times and let us crash at their houses — but frankly, we’re exhausted and my clothes are starting to get tight from the good meals folks are giving us coupled with a significant lack of exercise.